Saturday, November 15, 2008

Try the best, leave the rest...

Just read smtg meaningful.. so note it down..

Someone say...
Try the best and leave the rest...
I want be the best, so i want to try my best...

but i say...
See easy and talk lagi easy... when u r there...tat is not easy...
I dont want be the best, but i will try my best...

Happy EOS... two more days... to walk out from hell!!


~Live Life~ said...

My say...

Don't try your your best...
Using the word "try" gives u an excuse for "doing", even if u fail, no regrets!

And also...leave the rest to God...

Anyway, gambatte ne in the last paper...and then u will be out of sufferings d...

斌世无双 said...

bravo khai sheng...
thx for tat...

CKC said... brother emo again....

Angel said...

haha..seems like ur examination give u alot of STRESS..another easy for u..take it EASY la!!lolz..gambate..