Friday, April 10, 2009

Together We Cabar U

This is a serious blog:


Secara rasminya, we finished our week 14
Starting from tomorrow
We will start our 3 weeks study break
8 papers are waiting for us

I know it will be suffer
I know it will be tough
And I know all of us can get through it

Seniors said
If you able to pass sem 4
You PASS Bpharm
Just assume they are right!
We have only 5 weeks to go
The destination is just about to reach

Encourage your friends
Help each other
From time to time
Although some will say it sounds sissy for guys to do that
But somehow it works

Believe in your God
as long as you believe in Him
no matter what religion are you from
He will come for you

Plan your timetable well
Dont leave all to last minute
I hope all of us will go into sem 5 together
satu pun tak boleh kurang!

End of Semester 4 Exam
We cabar You !

Kean ping

P/S:Tun Mahatir coming to IMU in July for a dialogue - Pharmacists are invited


彦霓::yen-nee said...

thanks for the post!

Pharmacists are invited, so how about us?

We also invited?


Anonymous said...

Good luck in your EOS!

-1 Ling- said...

yi ge dou bu neng shao... =)
nice one... =)

ELyn said...

EOS, Here we come! :)

Chi Leong said...


km-y said...

all the best to you too kean ping.. ^^

雁姑娘 said...


Jason said...

All the best Seniors!

Live Station said...

if you said like that during highschool time you'll get a nickname "gaygay"

but ah, nothing wrong... its the spirit of brotherhood!

斌世无双 said...

thx to all the supports!!